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The Kingsdown Presbyterian Church

Friday, 08 May 2009 04:36
Last Updated on Friday, 08 May 2009 04:41
Written by Administrator

Kingsdown Presbyterian Church, Kingsdown, KS Completed 06-15-00

This church was constructed in 1934. It was very well constructed and well maintained, but the church committee was concerned with restoring the front entrance. To remove and replace the front steps would mean damaging or removing the brick walls located on both sides of the steps, plus possible damage to the sidewalks that had been replaced ten years ago by Brak-Hard. The steps were structural sound, just worn, broken, with some cracks. By routing and sealing the cracks, repairing the broken steps and applying the CTi process, we were able to restore the church step entrance to a condition better than new. What about yours?