Contact Us

  • Telephone: 620.225.1957
  • Fax: 620.225.1918
  • Postal address:
    Brak-Hard Concrete Construction Company LLC
    Post Office Box 423
    Dodge City, Kansas 67801
  • Email:

Concrete Cutting

Cut openings for duct work, electrical boxes, etc. with precision, to engineer’s or architect’s exact specifications.”

Corner Cuts

Corners are the most common use of concrete cutting chainsaws. Unlike traditional methods, such as circular sawing or core drilling, you can finish corners square without over-cuts.

Big jobs, little jobs.

Brak-Hard has the equipment and people you need for every sawing challenge. Whether it is cutting out a egress window or diamond grinding a floor. We can do it.

You name it, we can cut it. With our full line of cutting equipment along with Melroe Bobcat breakers, even concrete banks can’t stand up to our cutters. Give us a call if you have a special break-in or rather break-out job.